As I entered this unexpected opportunity, I couldn't help but wonder how my sanity would hold up. Coaching a complete gaming newbie seemed crazy, but the temptation of earning some cash pushed me to dive in. It was a chance to share my passion and see gaming from a wacky new angle. Little did I know that this twist would drive me crazy, transforming me into a psychopathic man.

Update V1.0:

  • Fixed coins collection
  • Fixed coin indicators
  • Fixed bomb problem
  • Add pause menu (Esc) + audio settings
  • Tweak animation + new sfx
  • Improve quality
  • New dummy AI

V0.1 is the version submitted to GMTK Game Jam 2023

Current issues in V0.1:

  • 3 coins complete level.
  • Ghost coin indicator (due to level loading problem).
  • Bomb do not affect game character.
  • Weak dummy's animation.


[Windows] Coaching For Dummy 40 MB
[Android] Coaching For Dummy 31 MB
CoachingForDummy 40 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download zip file.
  2. Extract zip file.
  3. Depending on downloaded file, run .exe or .apk
  4. Enjoy!

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